Synchronicity shows up when we least expect it.
Sometimes we don’t recognize synchronicity until after the fact.
That was my experience when I launched my memoir, ‘Weave As A River.’ I knew that I would have much support from the response of family and friends. I also knew October was the time for such an event, earmarked as Breast Cancer Awareness Month. But as the days grew closer, panic filled me. Could I share my vulnerable journey?
I rationalized that we all have a story. Life does not leave any of us unmarked by personal challenges or tragedies. I told myself I could do this. I also practiced reading so I could hold myself steady. Still, my sleep was broken, and I was filled with angst.
These feelings stayed with me until I stepped forward to read. I clutched the podium to steady my hands. My voice shook. However, as I glanced at the audience, I experienced a wave of support. It allowed me to step outside of my anxiety and see the level of caring before me. The stillness and atunement were tangible.
The centre of my being relaxed.
By the end, when I sat to answer questions, I knew that we were in this together. There was no separation. We all wade through the difficulties and messiness of life.
And then the unexpected.
Leah Pipe’s artwork graced the walls, surrounding me and the audience. A few people listening were mesmerized by the Hawk woman painting behind me. There was an interplay between this warrioress and my reading. It went beyond the strange connection of the colour of my dress.
During the end of my treatment, I had what I refer to as a visitation from a hawk. In the book I write, “I imagine the hawk shouting, ‘Pay attention! Life is short. Don’t go through your days sleepwalking. Get what you need. Use your strength to take care of yourself.’
Here was a Hawk. It had my back. I did not need to hide.
It also offered an invitation to examine how to show up in the world. When to step into one’s power and confront challenges before us.
I leave you with this question. When was the last time you had to call on something larger than yourself? Have you had an experience where the fierce, unflinching energy of Hawk allowed you to rise to the occasion and not be invisible?
Magic surrounds us. Sometimes we simply must look around.